The Tippecanoe City, Ohio
"Iron Dog"
Ken R. Noffsinger

[The Iron Dog, ca. 2008]

Remembrances of the Dog
Significant Events in the Dog's Story
How the Dog Came to Be
About the Family That First Owned the Dog
Returning the Dog to New
What the Research Reveals

Restoration of the Iron Dog

Not surprisingly, after more than 100 years in the elements, the Iron Dog is in serious disrepair. The board of the Tippecanoe Historical Society has made the decision, given the dog's significance in Tipp City area history, that it is worthy of restoration and public display.

As of this writing, arrangements are being made with McKay-Lodge Conservation Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio to conduct the restoration. They have restored three similar dogs, including one in The Henry Ford Museum. The restoration will be expensive and time consuming - fund raising efforts will be necessary. No decision has yet been made as to where the dog will be displayed once the restoration is completed.

October 31, 2021 UPDATE!

From the Tippecanoe Historical Society October, 2021 newsletter:

...The Tippecanoe Historical Society has taken over stewardship of The Iron Dog and has located a museum quality preservationist who has the experience and expertise to restore the Dog to like new status. But this undertaking to preserve our local history does not come cheap. Help with funding this enterprise is needed.

The Tippecanoe Historical Society is sponsoring a fundraiser to raise money towards The Iron Dog's restoration: The "Iron Dog 110".

For a donation of $100, or more to the Iron Dog's Preservation, the donor will receive a numbered, limited edition (only 110 will be available) keepsake "Dog" as well as a "pedigree" which documents their contribution to Tipp City's history and identifying them as the owner of that particular memento.

Donations can be made through check, money order or PayPal. You can drop off your donation to the museum 10-2 on Saturdays or mail your check to Tippecanoe Historical Society, PO Box 42, Tipp City, Ohio, 45371. If you are interested in PayPal, please contact us through Local patrons will have their memorabilia delivered while those out of the area will have it mailed to them. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the email address above....

Photos 1 through 5: The Iron Dog as it looked just before beginning its journey from Tipp City to McKay-Lodge in Cleveland on June 25, 2021.

Photos 6 through 8: The dog arrives at McKay-Lodge. Chuck Kessler (pictured in photo 6) and Bob Bartley transported the dog.

Photo 9: Three of the McKay-Lodge employees who helped unload the dog.

Photo 10: From left to right: Bob Bartley, Chuck Kessler and Tom Podnar, of McKay-Lodge. Tom is supervising the restoration of the Iron Dog, just as he has done with other very similar dogs in the past.

Photo 11 through 13: The area where the work on the dog will take place.

Photo 14 through 19: The dog's two-piece base undergoing restoration.

Photo 20 through 25: Repairs to the Iron Dog's body.

Photo 26 through 29: The repaired body atop its base. The dog's terribly damaged original tail has been replaced with one cast from a mold previously made by McKay-Lodge.

All photos courtesy of Robert Bartley.
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What the Research Reveals

IronDog.Website first appeared on September 11, 2020
Creation and content presentation by Ken R. Noffsinger:
Copyright 2020-2021. All Rights Reserved.